About Us
We are a loosely affiliated group of concerned City of Joondalup Residents who have realised that there has been a very unjust transfer of equity from the hands of homeowners in HOAs to large Developers and Property Investors. We are convinced this outcome is not in the Public Interest and need your help to persuade politicians that we need to fix this situation. Browse this site, educate your self and if you are at all concerned get in touch and hopefully join us. Together, we CAN make a difference.
We are not alone: there are affiliated Inter-State Groups too!
Why HOAInfo?
Because it's crazy complex!​
If you don't know your R60 from your R20, or what Directions 2031 is. If you want to live in a community with good amenity, you need to be aware of the consequences that flow from a lot of complex City of Joondalup and State Government documentation and decisions. This website is the result of at least 12 months painstaking work to assimilate the facts and demystify the issues. We think they are disturbing. You make up your own mind.