The Problem
The City of Joondalup has introduced the ability for people to develop at R40 and even R60 in suburbs that were originally built and designed at R20 back in the 1970s.
​But the R-codes do not prevent huge, out-of-place developments: go to Strathyre Drive in Duncraig and see for yourself what the future holds.
The City of Joondalup wants to have three times more people residing in HOAs by 2030. But it isn’t planning any additional services, infrastructure or amenity for those HOAs.
One stated reason for the HOAs is to make housing more affordable. It’s likely to only make houses smaller (and of lower quality), but even if it does make housing more affordable, doing that by taking equity off homeowners in HOAs and giving it to others is unfair.
As what is happening in Duncraig happens elsewhere (we know of similar plans in Edgewater, Craigie, Hillarys and Kingsley), people will leave and communities will be destroyed.
Really, the HOAs and R40 benefit only one type of person: the investor who doesn’t live in an area. If you plan to age in place and think R40 gives you options, you’d better be prepared for your ‘place’ to dramatically change around you.
We are not anti-development, but we will fight bad development and policies that are inequitable. We live in a democracy – that means we, the people, have the power if we choose to use it. It’s time to do that and make sure our voices are heard loud and clear over this!